Soccer News!


Been wondering recently...
why blog?
is it addictive?
is it the 'IN' thing?
is it an outlet to express oneself?
to release stress?
or just for fun?

people promoting their blog
people updating their blog
people reading other's blog
people commenting other's blog

and here i am
just curious bout blogging

2 feedbacks:

yunyun ^^ said...

i think all reasons that u mentioned in ur post for why people blogging can be possible...but i wish to add one more reason. it is becoz it can jot down ur memory since human cannot remembered every single moment in their can be a very good place and easy way for people to write down their happy moments, sad moments or even experiences...^-^ maybe one day, u can view back and laugh at the silly funny incident that u've wrote down about ur frens, family or maybe urself...haha!! keep blogging ya...xD

prime_tian said...

yeah, agree with ur opinion..hehe..